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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

updated artwork for the Angry Bros Omaha Shock O Rama

Greetings Faitful Followers

Great news! we have received some conceptual art from a really talented local artist Kelc Lynch. I wanted to give you all a sneak peek of what is happening here hope you all enjoy it This will be reposted on the Angry Bros Omaha Shock O Rama Blog.
Jack Angry
The New Logo (pretty cool huh?)

Brother James Angry my sidekick

Brother Jack Angry

Devil Sister ash

Devil Sister cyn

Ghoulia -Zombie Chef

Contagion Outbreak con in Omaha Ne.

Greetings faithful followers,

Your old buddy Jack Angry along with Brother James and the Sister in law visited the Contagion Outbreak con that was this past weekend in Omaha NE @ the beautiful qwest center arena. There were many fine exhibitors including The Lincoln Zombie Walk, The Omaha Zombie Walk & The Zombie Research Society just to name a few. I have some great pics from the convention I will be posting them when I get them processed. I met a lot of really great people there including Michael Martin from lincolnzombiefest.com and Tuco, Eric & Tim from zombiewalkomaha.com . I will post the links at the end of the update. I will keep this update short, so in closing faithful followers always remember "its always easier to ask for forgivness than permission."

Lincoln Zombie Fest http://www.lincolnzombiefest.com
email: mlmartinlzf@yahoo.com

Omaha Zombie Walk http://www.zombiewalkomaha.com
email: eric@zombiewalkomaha.com

Lincoln Zombie Walk
facebook page

Jack Angry