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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Berkies vs Zombies and expose

Welcome faithful followers to another installment of the Jack Angry Show Blog with Your old buddy Jack Angry the angriest man in omaha. First off the Angry Bros Omaha Shock O Rama project is going full speed ahead, we have cast several parts and more are coming. Ladies if you have submitted your pic and a request to be a Jack Angry Shock O Rama horror hostess. We will be getting in touch for an interview meeting.
On to the main topic It is that time of year The Berkie invasion is here in Omaha Already I am seeing them troop back in forth from the old market to the Qwest Center here in downtown Omaha wearing their lanyards and carrying their NFM Bags. I am surprised they do not parade through the streets carrying signs and placards proclaiming their love and admiration for Warren Buffett. Last Time I saw a crowd like that they were eating everyone in sight and groaning BRAAAINSSS, but upon further inspection you might be hard pressed to tell the difference. The Best similarity is that the zombies groan BRAAAAINNSS, berkies shamble along with thier glazed looks and mumble WAAARREEENN! Seriously faithful followers I have seen more independent thought and individuality in a pack of lemmings on their way to a cliff, ok faithful followers lets do a little visual association exercise and see if you can tell the diffrence.

So Can YOU tell the DIFFERENCE??? Me neither, notice the vacant expression the shambling gait among other things I rest my case, and speaking of lanyards I have a message for some of you berkie wives when dealing with service people or Omaha natives..THAT IS NOT A FUCKING TIARA OR CROWN !!!! YOU DO NOT PUT THAT ON AND BECOME THE FUCKING QUEEN OF ENGLAND, GET IT STRAIGHT BITCH!!!!!! (wiping the sweat of my brow) I was made aware of this on a friends facebook page when dealing with a berkie wife her response to the service person involved was that Warren Buffett owns the business they were in, when corrected by my friend that the business was owned by the city of Omaha; Mrs Berkie Responded that WARREN BUFFETT OWNS THE CITY OF OMAHA!!!! WTF I call BULLSHIT on that.

Omaha is owned by you and me the hardworking souls the ones who work behind the desks and counters, the telephones, the ones who keep the streets passable and the trash picked up the fireman who goes into a burning ready to collapse building and yanks someones trapped ass out, the policeman that takes down that scumbag that stole your car or purse. the doctor or nurse that treats your kids when they are sick NOT these RICH OVERPRIVLEDGED CAKE EATERS! So if your in NFM or The Old Market, or working in a local hotel and a lanyard wearing, holier than thou, sees candy munching berkie approaches you and asks for directions, points of interest whatever GIVE EM THE WRONG ANSWER! Lets Keep These chumps humble maybe if they have to walk around town in a state of confusion for a while while they are here maybe it might bring em down a notch or to as Granny Angry used to say! Oh and I almost Forgot TIP YOUR WAITRESS/WAITER ONCE IN A WHILE YOU BASTARDS!!!!! That is for a waiter friend of mine.

Well faithful followers this concludes the latest installment of the Jack Angry Show Blog and this is your old buddy Jack Angry telling all of you to keep it real and stay angry. Now before I go talk an asprin for this mondo headache I have given myself here is one final farewell for the berkies.

Kisses From the people of Omaha Nebraska, Cya next Year!!

Kiss Kiss
Jack Angry

P.S. If you cant take a joke then screw ya !!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Search Continues & Fan Art for Penny Dreadful

Greetings Faithful Followers,

Your old Buddy Jack checking in to give you all an updated report on the search for our Horror Movie Hostess. We have cast 2 parts there will be more coming I will keep the names of the lucky ladies a secret for now ( but you will love the choices promise!). The next big step is to complete negotiations with cox public access channel 109. So keep your eyes peeled to this spot. In other things the Angry one has a treat for you Some really drop dead fan art for Penny Dreadful That was done by Frankie B. Washington for more info check out his site at http://www.frankiebwashington.com/

So enjoy we will talk again soon Faithful followers.

Jack Angry

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Lovely ladies of horror

Here Are some of the hottest, vampiest, witchiest, Hostesses of late nite horror if this doesn't get your attention check your pulse you may already be dead so get ready for your sweaty little eyeballs to jump out of your heads. So away we go.

The Delicious Penny Dreadful

Elvira Mistress of the Dark AKA Cassandra Petersen

Elvira's Movie Macabre (119 episodes)
Saturday 11:30 p.m.
KHJ-TV, Channel 9 (now KCAL) (Los Angeles, California)
September 28, 1981 - July 13, 1985

Elvira's Movie Macabre (39 episodes)
Syndicated throughout US and in other countries by Contel
May 1982 - February 1984
(Ravena played first by Julianna McPherson, currently by Brandi Lynn Coppock

Friday Fright

Friday at 9 p.m.
KTCI Channel Three (TCI Cable)(Southeast Washington)
April 3, 1998 - September 25, 1998 (series of 26 shows)

Others Include

The Delicious Evella LaChant

Ivonna Cadaver

The Sexy MsMonster
(blue never looked so sexy)

If you are female you think you can cut it (pardon the Pun) as Omaha Next Big Horror movie Hostess please contact me at omaha_ghost1@yahoo.com or post a reply here at the blog. Ok Gals heres your shot dont fuck this up!

Thats all for now, not bad work for a saturday, so till next time faithful followers Keep It real cause if ya dont I will find out about it, then it will go real bad for ya.

Jack Angry

The Angry Bros Podcast and Blog Project

As I mentioned in my earlier post I had an Epiphany in regards to what this town is missing, which is a late nite horror movie host/hostess. I found a really great site called E-Gor Horror movie host page that has a very comprehensive listing of horror movie hosts past and present Here is the urlhttp://myweb.wvnet.edu/e-gor/tvhorrorhosts/index.htmlIn Keeping with that What I am proposing is finding a gal in Omaha who wants to be a horror movie hostess and appear with the Angry Bros during their podcasts. I am also working to begin production with Cox cable public access TV Some of the Titles I am playing around with are
The Angry Bros, Asylum of horrorThe Angry Bros ShockoramaShock Fest with the Angry BrosThe Angry Bros Late Nite Shock Theater.So Faithful followers lets hear from you and your ideas you can contact me at omaha_ghost1@yahoo.com and let me know your ideas. We are looking for a vamp/milf elvira type age is not a factor I feel that older gals are somewhat easier to work with however with anything it is open to compromise. This will be done in an adult vein ( innuendo, double entendre and adult humor ) I want to work with the Famous Dr San Guinary but i want something that is going to make Omaha sit up and take notice. I will include several pics of the horror movie hostesses and hosts. Lets get this goin people I know that omaha is not the morgue that some people beleive it to be. Enjoy this walk down memory lane. A Ghastlee Ghoul
The Ghastlee Movie Show
Friday late night, midnight - 2:00 am
DATV, Time Warner Cable Channel 20 (Dayton, Ohio)
Halloween 1988 - present
The CoolGhoul

Sceam in
Saturday night
WXIX, Channel 19 (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Dr San Guinary

Creature Feature
Late Saturday nightK
MTV, Channel 3 (Omaha, Nebraska)
1971 - 1981
Here is the link to Dr Sans Website Love ya doc! http://www.drsanguinary.com/
My personal Hero Count Gore De Vol and favorite horror host (at least till Ifound girls) LOL

Creature Feature (as Count Gore De Vol)
Saturday at 11:00 p.m. (and other times?)
February 1973 - 1979, 1984 - 1987

Saturday Chiller
Saturday afternoon
WDCA-TV, UHF Channel 20 (Washington, D.C.)
March 1973 - May 1987

Creature Feature: The Weekly Web Program
Weekly Web program, usually changed on Saturday night
World Wide Web (http://www.countgore.com)
July 11, 1998 - Present

This Guy is a real wildman I really wanna party with him the one and only Zomboo from Nevada
You will find out why in the next section of this post. Trust me it is worth it.

Now Lets take a look at some of the Lovely Hostesses Hang on to your shorts guys these gals are really smoking. This will give you and idea of what I am looking to bring to the late nite scene in omaha ne. So feast your eyes knuckleheads
The Next Post Will Illustrate The Lovely Ladies Of Late Night Horror movies So Stay tuned.

Jack Angry

The Angry Bros Podcast and Blog

Greetings Faithful followers,

Your Old Buddy Jack has had some interesting things happen to him lately. Since it is spring a time for new beginninngs, mud and a lot of freakin potholes (here we go again people) and thank got short skirts and low cut tops and some things I hadn't expected the discovery of a long lost brother. His name is Joe Angry and it seems we are a lot alike and in many ways we are not. For example Your buddy jack would like to watch the world burn, Joe would hand me the matches and the gas then call the fire marshall to see if I was breaking any fire codes (WTF)! So on that note the The Jack Angry Show will be the official home of The Angry Brothers!
The Podcasts will be starting up shortly I have a brainful of weird, sick and twisted stuff just waiting to spew out and we will have some great things for the podcast also. Look for more topics, better guests and other surprises. I am sorry to say that the blogs I had archived at www.mypodcast.com seem to have disappeared truly a tragedy. At this time I have been unable to get anything out of them as to why.
One of the really great developments we have going on here at The Angry Bros show is I have opened communication with the very lovely horror movie hostess Penny Dreadful and her Shilling Shockers crew I hope to be doing an interview with her shortly I am still working out the technical details so keep your eyes peeled here. I will post a pic of the lovely ms dreadful and a link to her website. which is http://www.shillingshockers.com/

My next installment will talk about an epiphany I had in regards to something that is really lacking in omaha and a project I am very excited about so stay tuned faithful followers.

On other matters I was saddened to hear that Sherri's Show club formerly located at 2909 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, NE has closed, this bar has been a fixture for at least the 30 yrs I have been in Omaha (it was also called sherris walking cane) closed at the first of april. I never had the chance to visit the bar I go to the playhouse these days when I do go. The Self Righteous Moral Pinheads here in Omaha are puffing themselves up at the fact another so called den of iniquity has closed. To This I call bullshit! a good go-go bar is like a diamond a thing of beauty to be enjoyed by everyone. I am Sitting here in a coffee house in the Old Market here in omaha enjoying a nice black coffee and looking at the barista's nice ass I am thinking "I do love summertime here in the old market".

So In conclusion my faithful followers keep enjoying the warm weather but always remember this GET THEM BEFORE THEY GET YOU!!! Now get the fuck outta here but dont go too far.

The Angry One
Jack Angry